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The first two books are "How To" books to get you prospecting for gold or finding coins, jewellery or relics as easily and quickly as possible.



This book will make you a successful gold prospector in one easy lesson. It also covers where to find gold and where and how to buy the RIGHT gold detector for you. Prospecting for gold is one of very few hobbies where you can actually make money. 

Once you have read this book you will be ready and confident of finding your own gold nuggets anywhere in the Australian golfields. Prospecting for gold is fun and profitable and one of the few hobbies that can earn you money, sometimes big money. With gold at current prices of around AU$1440 an ounce you don't have to find much of it. $21.00 including postage within Australia.


Use my Email adress: jfoster1944@bigpond for all books

Coin Hunting Made Easy


will have you out their finding coins on the beach, on old house sites, old playing fields and race courses as well as parks and gardens.


The book covers everything from how to buy the right detector for you and where to buy it and where to use it.


Coins, jewellery and relics are worth money, some coins are worth thousands of dollars not to mention what some jewellery found on beaches can be worth. Your coin detector can easily pay for itself in just a few outings, outings that are more fun and profitable than you could imagine.

$21.00 including postage within Australia.

Use my Email adress: jfoster1944@bigpond for all books

Prospecting WA is a book that will show you how and where in WA you can find gold. Last year three lucky blokes unearthed a Glory Hole near Cue in WA that held almost $300,000 worth of gold while hundreds of other prospectors found anything from a few thousand dollars worth to thirty or forty thousand dollars worth. It is unlikely any prospector went home without paying for his costs in gold found.


This book contains many photos, GPS waypoints, maps and Google Earth images as well as loads of good advice. 

$21.00 including postage within Australia.


Use my Email adress: jfoster1944@bigpond for all books

Sandstone Gold helps you to successfully navigate the rich goldfields of the Sandstone Cue gold district. The goldfields are extremely rich in gold nuggets and many more patches of nuggets wait to be found between the old diggings. The country is easy to navigate with even a two wheel drive vehicle so you don't even have to have a 4x4.

 This book is full of great advice, photos, GPS Waypoints, Google Earth Images enought to have you finding gold on your first day out on these picturesque goldfields where so many have already been successful. The biggest nugget so far found at sandstone with a detector was a beautiful 68 ounce lump that was half out of the ground when the lucky finder found it.


$21.00 including postage within Australia. Use my Email adress: jfoster1944@bigpond for all books.

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